LAPPS is a pre-vetting service established to ensure advertisers, advertising agencies and the media to comply with the ASA's Code for Advertising and Promotion of Liquor.
LAPPS is a user pays service supported by advertisers, agencies, media and platforms.
ANZA administers LAPPS on behalf of media and industry.
ANZA appoints an independent, experienced Adjudicator to review your advertising material and confirm whether it complies with the ASA Codes prior to placement with media.
Our aim: To help you avoid regulatory or legislative breaches in your advertising material.
To get started
Get registered
There's no charge for registration. It simply ensures we have details of who is to be charged when the work is done.
First Step
To use LAPPS, the first step is to register. There is no charge for registration, it simply ensures we have details of who is to be charged when the work is done.
Complete the form below –
If you're a start-up or offshore company, it can be difficult providing a New Zealand credit reference. If this is the case, tick the pre-pay box - payment for your work can then be made via internet banking, Paypal or credit card transaction prior to work commencing.
Click submit
We'll process your registration and be in touch
More information
Scroll down for more information about LAPPS and how it works
We'll email you a confirmation that you are registered and contact details for the independent LAPPS Adjudicator who has extensive experience of liquor product marketing and regulation. ANZA does not contribute to the adjudication; it simply administers the system on behalf of industry.
Email the Adjudicator your advertising material in the following formats:
​Finished Commercials: Mpegs or hyperlink and accurate script
Scripts and Concepts: Copy of scripts & storyboards or layouts at any stage, reduced if necessary
Print and Outdoor: Copy of proof of finished artwork, reduce if necessary
Point-of-Sale: Copy or proof of finished artwork, reduce if necessary
Website: Hyperlink
Pre-production Approvals: For all TV, Radio and cinema campaigns, advertisers are recommended to obtain the Adjudicator's advice at concept, script, storyboard and production stages. A concept Approval is given before productions. This preempts any possible contraventions of relevant Codes and regulations and avoids the cost of having expensive changes or a campaign rejected totally.
​Once your material is approved by the LAPPS Adjudicator, you will be supplied with a unique LAPPS number relating to that specific material and this is evidence for the media that the material has had LAPPS adjudication. The approval details include:
LAPPS job reference number
Advertisement title
Unique LAPPS approval code
​All advertisements appearing in print media and approved by a LAPPS Adjudicator should carry the prefix LAPPS before every key number.
Your initial LAPPS registration is valid for six months from the date of registration. If no activity is recorded within these six months, your registration will automatically lapse, and you will need to re-register if you wish to use the service in the future. Re-registration carries an administration fee of $150 + GST.
Registration for LAPPS does not mean your advertising is approved. Registration allows you to have your advertising reviewed by the LAPPS Adjudicator for compliance. Until the Adjudicator has issued a LAPPS approval number for the submitted advertising, its status is unapproved.
LAPPS registration does not provide membership to the Association of New Zealand Advertisers (ANZA). For more information on ANZA membership, click here and scroll to Join Us - Learn More.
Disclaimer -
ANZA and the Adjudicator do not accept liability for any loss of any nature howsoever arising out of or consequent upon the pre-vetting of any advertisement under the LAPPS system. It remains at all time the sole responsibility of the advertiser and its advertising agency to ensure that the advertisement complies in all respects with all relevant codes and regulations.
LAPPS is a user-pays service and is charged by ANZA at the following rates:
​ANZA Member Companies - $90 per 15 minutes of Adjudicator time + GST
Non-ANZA Member Companies - $135 per 15 minutes of Adjudicator time + GST
(Effective 1 October 2023)
For first time users a minimum 30-minute charge applies for the initial adjudication to cover administration costs.
Although you don't have to be a member of ANZA to obtain LAPPS Adjudication, we do encourage you to consider becoming an ANZA member.
If a purchase order number is required by you or your client, please supply prior to approval work commencing.
Payment is due by the 20th of the month following the date of invoice. Invoices are issued by ANZA during the first week of the month following completion of the pre-vetting job.
ANZA reserves the right to require organisations to settle overdue accounts prior to commencing any new approval work.
We are always asked is how long will the adjudication take?
There is no simple answer as it depends on how much material needs to be reviewed (a website typically takes longer than a 30 second television advertisement) and the extent that the material is compliant or not, but more than 50% of our adjudications are 30 minutes or less.
The Adjudicator is willing to provide quotes for adjudication once your material has been viewed.
Three working days should be allowed for normal approvals. Lengthy infomercials and websites may require additional time.
It is essential to give 24 hours notice by phone to the Adjudicator when urgent approvals are required.
The LAPPS Adjudicator is a part time roll and hours do differ.
ANZA administers LAPPS on behalf of the industry to provide a robust mechanism for all liquor advertising and promotion to be pre-vetted for compliance with the relevant codes and regulations prior to being accepted for placement by the media. In so doing, ANZA seeks:
To provide advertisers with an efficient, fair and high-quality means of pre-vetting advertisements at minimum cost.
To support the principles of responsible industry self-regulation of advertisers
Complaints Against Liquor Advertising and Promotion -
Any member of the public who considers there’s been a breach of the Advertising Codes of Practice may complain to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board (ASCB).
Established by the ASA, the ASCB is an independent body that will seek comments from all interested parties and then adjudicate on the complaint.
If the complaint is upheld, then the advertiser, advertising agency and media are, in accordance with self-regulatory principles, requested to voluntarily withdraw the advertisement. This request is invariably followed.
The ASCB’s decisions set precedents for the LAPPS Adjudicator to observe in granting subsequent approvals.
Executive summaries of the most recently published decisions are found on the ASA’s website.
LAPPS was established by ANZA to assist advertisers, advertising agencies and the media to comply with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Code for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol and other relevant Acts and Codes, as well as the National Protocol on Alcohol Promotions, supported by the Hospitality Association, the Alcohol Advisory Council, the New Zealand Police and Local Government New Zealand.
LAPPS is a voluntary commitment to responsibility in marketing initiated by brand-owners belonging to ANZA.
LAPPS is supported by all major media and the Commercial Communications Council (Comms Council).
The ASA Codes require that advertising and promotion of alcohol be conducted in a manner that demonstrates a high standard of social responsibility and does not mislead or deceive the consumer.
By ensuring honest, ethical and responsible advertising, the ASA seeks:
To ensure the consumer is fully informed and protected;
To improve the overall standard of alcohol advertising and promotion;
To engender maximum support from Government and related organisations and thereby;
To retain the legal right to promote alcohol products directly to end-consumers.